Stains...the bain of my existence.
Ok, that might be a little dramatic. But seriously, who couldn't use a few easy and cheap ways to prevent/get rid of pesky stains?
1 - To prevent underarm stains on white shirts, sprinkle a little baby powder on the underarms of shirt and iron. That should set in the powder to prevent yellowing.
2 - To get deodorant marks off a shirt, use a baby wipe to more easily remove marks and be ready to wear.
3 - To get out a darker stain like wine, stretch the shirt over a bowl and sprinkle with salt. Then pour boiling water over it to lift the stain. Then wash as regular.
4 - This is one of my favorite tips. To remove stains from couch cushions, use a toothbrush to lightly scrub regular laundry detergent into fabric. Then wash in cold water and air dry. This trick prevent bleach marks or rough wear to the fabric.
oh i love your first tip! so gross, but i never wear my white shirts for fear of stains!