Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday Wisdom: Money Management for the Time-Pressed

This article by Real Simple magazine is perfect for anyone time-pressed and "just too busy to deal with it right now".  It is especially great for 20-somethings like myself who need to be reminded and taught about basic money-saving and financial tips. No matter how time pressed you are, take the time to read this article - it even breaks down their 12 easy ideas by how much time you have to work with: 15 minutes, an hour, or 2-3 hours.

My favorite tips?

If you have 15 minutes: Find a great shopping app like My Sherpa or Coupon Cabin to find coupons and lowest prices before and while you shop.

If you have an hour: Have a date with your spouse.  Look at and discuss your cash flow, savings, and expenditures, and take time to talk about financial goals and dreams.  Work on prioritizing three of those goals and start making a concrete saving plan to make it happen.

If you have 2-3 hours: Work on your will.  If you have children, you really should sit down with a lawyer to do this more extensively. For young couples, begin with downloading Quicken’s WillMaker Plus for $35 from

To read this article and pick up tips of your own, go to Real Simple's Money Management for the Time-Pressed.


  1. have you tried we just started and it's awesome!

  2. Good tips. It really doesn't take a lot of time to get your finances in order.
